DPS909 Release 01: First Open Source Project
Our first open source project was separated into two parts; the first being to create a web service in any language that could find phone numbers either from a string entered in a URL, or by sending in a file containing phone numbers. The phone numbers found would then be returned in JSON format back to the user. These following questions/answers will go into more detail: 1. What did you build? Discuss your web service and include links so people can find it. I chose to program my web service using Java. The platform I chose was Eclipse IDE, Oxygen 2 version to be more precise. It was my first time making a web service in Java so I had to do a bit of research to make sure I knew what I was doing. The web service was tested from Eclipse since the IDE provides an internal web browser viewer from which I can debug and view the site. The server was downloaded via external dependencies and set up on my laptop, so the website will not run unless my laptop and Eclipse is opened, as well a...