DPS909 Release 02: My First Open Source Contribution Part 2 (WIP)
***As of 2018/03/25, this is a work in progress. This blog post is showing my progress made thus far, and will be updated once the final fix has been coded. As a follow-up to the first part of this post, this post will cover all the process I've gone through to solve this bug. I will also include useful links to the bug, resources, and my pull request as well. 1. What bug did I choose? After investigating the project and the kinds of issues that are filed on GitHub, I've chosen an issue that has to do with the Brave menu and submenu, more specifically with the History tab and some of its submenus that need to be disabled after certain conditions are met. Here is the link to the GitHub issue; https://github.com/brave/browser-laptop/issues/2681 Here is the original comment about the bug, how to reproduce it, and the used specs; So essentially, the bug consists of disabling two submenu options below the History tab of the menubar, only when the browser history has ...